Pricing Guarantee - Simeoni

Pricing Guarantee

With Simeoni there are no surprises!

Only transparent, effective and accurate services with:

  • Fixed prices based on value (not hours)
  • Clear terms and conditions.
  • You won’t be hit with unexpected fees under our pricing policy.
  • Strictly operating under fixed price agreements and proposals with a choice of options and payment schedules, we give you up-front costs, value for money and peace of mind.
  • Simeoni does not invoice based on an hourly rate, our fees are generated based on the value of the service provided to our clients. (We believe that people who do charge by the hour take longer to do the job).
  • Our engagements always spell out our terms and conditions, detailing what is included in your fee and what is considered to be outside the scope.
  • If and when your requests and/or requirements incur additional fees we contact you to discuss the alteration prior to conducting the work.

Contact us now to see how our accounting experts can help.