Assisting the Survival the Corvid 19 Crisis
23rd Mar 2020We understand there is a heightened level of anxiety dealing with the Corvid19 virus situation. The business environment situation is changing rapidly. Currently in NSW & Victoria the respective Governments have declared a shutdown of the states. What does this mean for businesses and what is available with stimulus assistance.
As official details are released by Governments, Simeoni & Co will summarize the outcome and report back to our clients immediately. Business clients need to understand options available for survival of their business. The greatest unknown is the time period the state of shutdown will continue and if we are eventually placed under lockdown. Business clients will need to constantly review their circumstances to adapt to ensure the survival of their business.
The team at Simeoni & Co is prepared in consulting with individual business clients on alternatives available. Clients need to ensure the following:
- Read and understand all correspondence and updates from Simeoni & Co and official government departments.
- Review their current business situation and prepare projections/budgets for the following 12 months.
- Review current commitments with suppliers, government departments, landlords, banks etc. and attempt to negotiate to relieve as much financial stress in the coming months.
- Review staff levels/situation where a more flexible arrangement might be available to reduce and salary/wages commitments over the next 3 months.
- Understand the various Government Stimulus packages and review to see how it may benefit your situation.
- Arrange on appointment with Simeoni & Co to review your specific circumstance and discuss the various options available.
The team at Simeoni will continue to be available for consultation no matter what the state of emergency imposed by governments. We will be available for meeting either by personal meetings or through skype or zoom.
We can appreciate the stress our clients are feeling, or role is to guide you in making informed decisions for the near future. Please understand we are here for you.
Yours faithfully
Paul Simeoni